Want to get money off your next order? Introduce a friend to our site today and not only do they receive discount but you will receive credits too!
1. Tell a friend about us
Share your unique referral link or code from the My Accounts area
2. Friend places order
Your friend will receive a £10 discount off their order when they spend over £65
3. Earn £10 credit
Your £10 credit will be redeemable and will be credited to your account
- Head to your custom referral page and sign in to your account.
- Click on any of the social media icons to share your unique code to your friends.
- Once your friend (s) have completed their order we will send you an email to let you know that your credit is in your account and ready to be spent.
Alternatively, your friend can insert your unique code at the basket where they will be asked to login to verify they are a new customer. Once they have created their account and meet the necessary requirements they can proceed to checkout.
At the top of your account section we will display both the number of people you have referred and the amount of credit you have earned through the referral scheme. Additionally, you will be able to see the same information on your referral page.
As long as your friend signs up for an account with either the referral link or your unique code, you’ll earn referral credit. The email address you referred used to sign up doesn’t need to be the same as the email address to which you sent the referral invitation.
If your friends receive multiple referrals from multiple senders, only the sender of the referral link used when they create their account will earn credit.